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luciano portrait


Born in one of the harbour districts of Buenos Aires, Luciano spent his childhood and youth in modest circumstances where the popular music of the Rio Plata region - Uraguay and Argentina - influenced the whole life of the "porteños", and where the tango ruled supreme.

As the son of one of the thousands of immigrants in Argentina, he felt, even as a boy, the huge emotional burden of nostalgia, disillusionment, and sometimes even tragedy that were the common currency of the time. In this atmosphere of longing and regret, the tango was born and developed. In any other context, the tango would never have become what it is today.

Later, Dr. Rios was to make use of the opportunies offered by the socio-economic upswing in Argentina at that time. He began studies at the Faculty of Economic Science and later graduated as a lawyer from the Faculty of Law at the University of Buenos Aires.


Over the years, Dr. Rios was profoundly affected by life in Buenos Aires, especially anything to do with tango, from its years of glory to its decline during the 60s and 70s.
Soon he was to come into contact with a number of famous Masters of Tango Argentino, who were to influence his personality so strongly that he was destined to become a teacher of tango, with dancing as a medium and a way of life.